Millions of believers are struggling to live their faith—without a Bible to guide them.

Poverty, displacement, and crisis create barriers to God’s word. But we can change that. Right now. Together.

Access to Scripture transforms lives. It strengthens faith, brings hope, and offers comfort in times of need. The need is real—and so is the opportunity to help.

You can place Bibles in the hands of people who need one, today.


Deliver God's Word Worldwide

Our mission at Bible Society Australia is to equip all people everywhere with the Bible. Through strategic distribution projects, we place Bibles in the hands of those who need them most — offering God’s message of HOPE, HEALING, AND LOVE.

Will you be part of our mission to share the Bible for all people, everywhere?

Give Today

With your support, Bibles will reach those longing for God’s word, including prisoners in South Africa, refugee families in Jordan, children battling cancer in Nicaragua, and more.

Deliver God's Word Worldwide

Hear how The Bible has made an impact


What Your Giving Can Do

Every $50
can bring hope to refugee children in Lebanon as we distribute the Arabic ‘Peace & Justice’ Bible.

Every $100
could place a Bible in the hands of children in urban and rural Kenya, transforming lives through God’s word.

Every $150
could supply Bibles to prisoners and guards in South African prisons, equipping World Hope Ministries in their Prison Ministry.

Give Today

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

— Mark 16:15 (NIV)

Other ways you can be involved


Subscribe to our monthly Prayer Letter for prayer points on our Bible Society projects worldwide


Subscribe to our monthly Prayer Letter for prayer points on our Bible Society projects worldwide


Join our email list and receive updates on all Bible Society Australia's projects.


Join our email list and receive updates on all Bible Society Australia's projects.


Join our community of over 6000 individuals who daily engage with the Bible through our reading plans.


Join our community of over 6000 individuals who daily engage with the Bible through our reading plans.


Join our community of regular givers committed to letting the light of God’s word shine.


Join our community of regular givers committed to letting the light of God’s word shine.