Your gift makes a difference
A bequest to Bible Society:
Guarantees that more of God’s word is translated into people’s heart languages, in Australia and overseas.
Ensures that Bibles will be distributed affordably around the world.
Gives the gift of literacy to people so they can have a personal access to God’s word.
Enables us to make the Bible more accessible to generations to come.

Write Your Will Online
Don't have a will? Bible Society Australia is partnering with Australia's leading online will-writing platform, Safewill, so that you can create your Will online for just $80.
Safewill covers the basic features of Will writing, including executorship, appointing guardians for your children and pets, and estate distribution. Safewill also allows you to leave behind meaningful gifts, create comprehensive asset lists for your executor and specify funeral instructions.
After family and friends, please consider including Bible Society Australia in your Will. Your gift, no matter how large or small, will ensure we can Open The Bible for future generations.
We’re thrilled to announce our Free Wills Fortnight sale with Safewill. From the 17th to the 31st of March!
Impact and Stories

Gifting scripture access
Annie Selman remembers supporting Bible Society as a three-year-old by putting pennies into a bucket at her Sunday School.
“When I think about all the people who cannot access Scripture, I love that my widow’s mite can help.”
Annie’s gift has particular meaning, as it stems from a shared love, she explains:
“My late husband, Rex, and I were always united in our love for Bible society. The gift in my Will is not just my legacy- it is his also.”
Serving God through Giving
Val Petering is a long-time supporter of Bible Society, having servitude modelled to her by her parents.
“It is a privilege and honour to serve God through Bible Society, both in this life, and after I go to be with the Lord.”
“It is marvelous to know that when we are “home with Jesus”, we can still keep on supporting BSA through our Bequests. This I do gladly as a cheerful giver.”
Sharing hope
Having grown up in a church with a strong focus on overseas missions, brothers Warwick and Arthur Connor were always drawn towards supporting missions. This is why Warwick, who never married, left generous bequests to Bible Society Australia and give other charities in his will.
Because Warwick died quickly after a short illness, he was not able to specify how he would like the beneficiaries to spend the gifts. After deliberation, his brother Arthur decided to steer Warwick’s gift into our Remote and Indigenous Ministry projects to facilitate Indigenous language work.
“All the work is commendable. However, given the number of Australian Indigenous people who speak traditional languages, I’m sure he would be most ‘chuffed’ if funds were able to be put toward translating the Bible into an Australian Indigenous language,” Arthur said.
Get in touch
If you have any questions for our team, we want to provide the best support for you. Please reach out.
Also, if you’ve already included Bible Society Australia in your will or estate plan, let us know.
Resources and FAQ
For Solicitors
Your solicitor may find the following suggested wording helpful for including Bible Society Australia in your Will:
“I ( name ), give to Bible Society Australia, ABN 85 214 424 729, for its general purposes, free of all duties, the following:
» % of my estate » The residual of my estate » The sum of $ » Life Insurance Policy Number » Property (details) » Other (details)
And I direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other proper officer of the Bible Society Australia shall be sufficient discharge to the executor(s) of my estate.”
Bible Society Australia address information:
Head Office: Level 23, 100 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Ph. 1300 242 537
Post: GPO Box 4161, Sydney, NSW 2001
Frequently Asked Questions
Planning our Will is one of the most important and personal decisions we may make. And it is vital that all matters are thought through carefully along with relevant information to help in the decision-making process. Here are some of the questions about gifts in Wills that come up the most in our conversations with Bible Society supporters.