Prayer Window

Look in and pray for people in conflict

Let’s cry out to God together, at 10.40 every morning for the next 34 days. Let’s pray for those trying desperately to make sense of life, mostly in countries torn by conflict. Right now we intercede for Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control, and we pray for the safety of the people, especially the vulnerable.

Join this petition for the nations every morning, or find a more suitable ‘prayer window’ in your day. You could use this prayer guide or your own words – just please, cry out on behalf of the suffering.

What is the 10/40 Window?

It’s a swathe of countries from Africa to East Asia, roughly between 10 and 40 degrees North of the Equator. People here have the least access to the Christian message, with several of their governments opposed to Christian mission. They are also some of the world’s poorest people, struggling due to political and economic turmoil, civil war and terrorism. Millions are internally displaced, persecuted for their faith, and struggling to have any semblance of a normal life.

We pray for them especially as we approach these UN commemorative days:

19 August – World Humanitarian Day
21 August –
International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
22 August – International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief
21 September – International Day of Peace

Praying and giving

One person in every 33 worldwide will need humanitarian assistance this year. Within the 10/40 Window alone millions need shelter and safety, food for the table, medicine for the sick and relief from man-created strife. Bible Societies are on the ground in many nations, and their staff and volunteers persevere despite hardship and danger. Now in the tenth year of civil war, our colleague in Syria says, “We feel that crisis and trauma never ends. Children are starving in the street. War.. is all that is evil.”

However, our supporters here in Australia pray and give to keep the work going in Syria and other trouble spots like South Sudan, Iraq and Israel. This breathes hope, so that even our colleague in Syria is optimistic for the future. “We continue to take the life-giving message of Jesus to the people in Syria. We might even be fortunate to be right here, where we need Jesus on a daily basis.”

Peace where there’s turmoil

Bible Society supporters share hope through the practical aid and Scripture they provide:

  • Iraq: Scripture and relief packages for families displaced by sectarian violence
  • Syria: Scripture-based trauma healing for adults and children in the midst of civil war
  • Cameroon – Bible-based literacy classes in areas terrorised by Boko Haram insurgents
  • Israel: Bibles and resources for the local church in the midst of religious tension
  • South Sudan: Literacy to help bring growth and reconciliation to a fractured society
  • Myanmar: God’s word and literacy for communities marginalised for their ethnicity

These programs provide relief and peace for the present and building blocks for the future.  You can read more in your next issue of Sower magazine or sign up if you don’t already get it in your Inbox.

A light through the Window

While we look through the 10/40 Window with prayer, those on the inside are looking out for a glimmer of hope. We can share that light, and it starts with an open hand, and bended knee. For the next 34 days, and beyond, let’s keep that prayer window open wide.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

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