90 Languages in a Single Year

Last year, Bible Societies around the world completed 90 different translations of the Bible.

Imagine your life without the Bible.

Imagine not having a single Scripture you can lean on in times of trouble.

Picture living without the special verses and passages that give you hope, bring you comfort, and assure you of God’s love.

Well, for 219 million people, that’s the reality.

Because, while 90 Bible language translations were completed in 2021 alone, there are still 3,852 languages without a single verse translated. And 1.5 billion people still don’t have a complete translation in their language. 

One year can change the world

Last year, despite a global pandemic and political unrest, Bible Societies across the world continued to translate Scripture.

Now the 90 translations completed in 2021 are being read by 794 million people – just over 10% of the world’s population.

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48 of these new translations were ‘first translations’. This means that no portions of Scripture existed previously.

One of these first translations was Khualsim, a language spoken by 7,000 people in Myanmar.

There was both joy and sorrow at the launch of the translation in November. It took place on Zoom after 18 months of delay and disruption caused by COVID-19 and a political coup.

Translators Rev. Dr Bernard and Rev. Van Ceu, were not present to celebrate the culmination of their work. The father and son team died from Coronavirus just days before copies of the new Bible arrived at their home.

“At the launch the preacher said, ‘Dr Bernard proved by his life that heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s words will never pass away’,” said Myanmar Bible Society General Secretary Rev. Khoi Lam who attended the event.

One verse can change a life

The Scriptures we treasure are so important. Because although the process of translating the Bible takes years, the impact can start with a single, powerful verse. One that stays with the hearer and transforms their lives forever.

From Mexico to Myanmar, millions of people who never had a single word of Scripture in the language of their heart are Opening The Bible.

Isn’t that amazing?

Give to Open The Bible

Stories from our region like Ken’s show us just how alive and active God’s word really is.

As you read this, a Bible translator could be working to translate your life verse into someone’s heart language in:

  • Vietnam
  • Mongolia
  • Pakistan
  • Afghanistan
  • Myanmar
  • Sri Lanka
  • Or even right here in Australia where our workers are translating the Bible into Aboriginal languages and AUSLAN.

Join us in praying for the translation work taking place in these communities and please donate if you can. Because one verse can change a life.

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