‘Do I love little because I don’t think I have been forgiven much?’

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“I remember hearing about Jesus when I was four years old, and I’ve trusted in him ever since. It’s been nearly 50 years. And I’m also the kind of person who has always tried to be good. I’ve never done anything really bad. But I had an ‘aha’ moment recently. I was reading Luke 7. Jesus went to a Pharisee’s house and he told a story about two people owing money to a certain money-lender. They both had their debts cancelled. And then Jesus asked a question, ‘Which of them will love him more?’ (verse 42). The answer was the person with the bigger debt cancelled. He would love him more. But then, Jesus said, ‘… whoever has been forgiven little, loves little.’ (verse 47). It made me think. Am I like that? Do I love little because I don’t think I’ve been forgiven much? I was only four years old when I first trusted Jesus, so back then, I hadn’t done very much wrong … and maybe I’ve always thought that, in my case, God didn’t have very much to forgive. But that’s not right. He has forgiven me, my whole life! And maybe if I understand that, then I will understand how much I’m truly loved by him, and then I will feel that deep love, in response.”

Wendy’s story is part of Eternity’s Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed. Click here for more Faith Stories.

Bible verse Luke 4:47

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