From superstitions to salvation: Hu Receives her first Bible at 55

In the countryside of Dianjiang, China, Hu’s* life took an unexpected turn later in life as she turned from superstitions and witchcraft to faith and salvation.

Hu grew up with Christian parents but their understanding of the gospel was limited. Hu depended on superstition and a local witch to make sense of life. It was not until her mother’s funeral, during the pastor’s sermon, that a spark of faith ignited within Hu’s heart. Later, when her father became gravely ill, he urged his family to seek solace in the church. During his funeral service, the pastor’s words resonated deeply with Hu and she embraced the gospel.

She began attending church diligently, hungering for knowledge and understanding as her faith deepened. In the winter of 2018, Hu’s commitment to her faith was sealed amidst the festivities of Christmas. At the age of 55, she was baptised. To commemorate this significant moment, her church, with the support of the United Bible Societies (UBS), presented her with a precious gift—her own Bible. 

“As I engage with God’s word, my life unfolds in extraordinary ways” 
– Hu, Dianjiang, China. 

As Hu embraced the pages of Scripture in her hands, she shared that a wave of warmth enveloped her soul and tears of gratitude streamed down her face. The stories of miracles in the Bible spoke to her heart, igniting a flame of hope within her. Through the Scriptures, she felt more deeply connected to God. This experience surpassed all superstitions she’d previously held and offered her peace. “When I used to visit the witch, she would talk about things which made me fearful,” she says. Hu now lives free of fear since putting her faith in God. 

The Bibles for Millions Project 

Bible Society Australia supports the UBS China Partnership in distributing subsidised and free Bibles so that people like Hu receive their own Bible. Many Chinese Christians, particularly those living in poverty, are still waiting for their own Bible, as more people come to know Christ and the demand for Scriptures only grows.  

Though there are officially 46 million Christians, unofficial estimates indicate there are over 100 million Christians across the country. With an estimated 93% of China’s 1.4 billion population still does not know Christ, resourcing believers with Bibles remains vital to the spreading of the gospel. 

The sovereign hand of God  

Hu now sees her life, even the time before she became a believer, through the lens of God’s sovereignty and love for her. In the past her family faced a challenging time when her son became entangled with a dangerous gang during his junior high school years. At that time, before she became a believer, Hu courageously relocated her family to ensure their safety. Her son was able to break free from the gang and has now become a beacon of hope for his children. 

Looking back on that difficult time, Hu believes God protected and shepherded them through it all. Though her son had not shared her belief in God at the time but Hu saw the divine hand at work in their lives.

Discovering a new purpose in Christ 

Hu confessed that before she believed in Jesus, she lacked compassion for others and was driven by a mindset of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” Since coming to a deeper faith, she has allowed the teachings of Jesus to shape her character and motivate her care for others. During the pandemic, Hu became a community volunteer, delivering essential supplies to families facing lockdown. 

“After I became a Christian, I felt that I should serve the community and spread love. This is also an opportunity to share the gospel. In times of crisis, we can share the gospel and bear fruit. So, we must seize the opportunity,” she says. Hu’s joyful testimony is that “it is never too late to find faith and purpose in life.” Her experience of God’s love and the provision of a beautiful Bible have transformed her life in immeasurable ways. 

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

Prayer Needs: 
  • Thank God for the good relationships between the authorities, the Churches and UBS. Please pray for God’s continued favour and blessings in this area. 
  • Pray for ongoing support for this project, to ensure an uninterrupted supply of the Bible to the vast number of seekers and Christians in China. 
  • Pray for annual approval from the authorities to issue Bible print permits. 
  • Pray for each Christian who receives a copy of the Bible that they may read and understand the word of God and be nurtured and transformed and that each non-believer or seeker will have their heart opened to God’s word. 


*Name changed for privacy reasons.

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