‘Her voice was full of excitement at the thought of Jesus coming back’

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“I’ve found a new app. It’s an audio Bible, using women’s voices. It’s called ‘Courage for Life.’ I was listening to it this week and I was up to John 14 – ‘My Father’s house has many rooms… And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.’ (v2-3).”

“I know the passage, but listening to it in a woman’s voice helped it come alive a bit more. I started to think about preparing a place or a spare room … and how when we prepare a place, or a guest room, we think about what kind of pillows they want, and whether everything is clean, and if the guests need towels or a glass of water. What will help them feel at home and have rest?

“That’s what God is doing for us. All the details in the rooms are being prepared … that’s the level of God’s love for us. It captures the delight that he has for us – he is preparing a home for us, where we will be back where we belong.

He is preparing it for us! And the woman’s voice (who was reading it) was full of excitement at the thought of Jesus coming back. It made me feel excited too …”

Joy’s story is part of Eternity’s Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed. Click here for more Faith Stories.

Bible verse John 14:2-3

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