Honouring the ‘profound impact of the Bible’ in Cambodian communities

“We had an absolutely incredible time celebrating the momentous milestones of the Bible Society in Cambodia!” says Pisit, Executive Director of the Bible Society in Cambodia, following the commemoration of their 55th anniversary. 

On the 29th of October, Bible Society Cambodia staff and supporters gathered at the beautiful New Life Fellowship church in Cambodia, under the theme The Legacy Journey. “It was heartwarming to see over 500 enthusiastic individuals come together,” says Pisit, “to honour the profound impact of the Bible in our community.”  







The anniversary of Bible Society wasn’t the only milestone celebrated, as those gathered commemorated the 100th year of the Bible Translation Initiative, and the 20th anniversary of Bible Society Cambodia’s impactful literacy project.  

This project, which Bible Society Australia supports alongside Bible Society Cambodia, seeks to help and empower non literate people, young and old, especially in rural Cambodia. Through this project, participants have the opportunity to read the Scriptures for personal growth and to contribute to the well-being of their communities. 

From December last year until July this year, 143 new classes were run and 32 continuing classes. Seven graduation ceremonies have been held, which reveals the impact of this project, as participants move from a willingness to enrol and attend the first classes, through to an understanding of the importance of opening the Bible together in class, leading to a commitment to attend through to graduation. 

Pisit describes an atmosphere on the night “filled with joy, gratitude, and a deep sense of faith” as those gathered reflected on the remarkable journey that brought them there. “We celebrated the lasting legacy that has been built over the years and looked ahead to the future with hope and anticipation.”  

Bible Society Cambodia staff are looking to the future, as Pisit encouraged everyone to “continue to spread the word about the Bible’s transformative power and the incredible work being done by the Bible Society in Cambodia.”

If you would like to pray for the literacy project Bible Society supports in Cambodia, here are some recent prayer requests from the BSC team: 

  • Pray for the impact of the program in the provinces. 
  • Pray that God will use the program to bring salvation to students and spiritual growth to believers. 
  • Pray for protection and strength for staff and volunteers as they implement the program throughout Cambodia. 
  • Pray that churches will diligently recruit and train new volunteers as facilitators. 
  • Pray for the social impact of the program throughout Cambodia 
  • Pray for more communities and authorities to open their doors to the program. 
  • Pray that BSC can find a new organisation to be a good partner. 

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