‘I was a New Age Gypsy for ten years’

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Angelina’s story (first published in February 2020) has been selected by Naomi Reed as a stand-out in her Faith Stories series so far.

“I was a New Age Gypsy for ten years. It was after my husband left me. He took all of his belongings, and the car, and he left me a note, and $40. We had five children, aged 5, 10, 12, 15 and 17.

But I gradually found work, and the children grew up and left home. That was when I became fascinated by other things. I had no moral compass at all. I’d always been interested in Eastern religions, so I began to read lots of New Age books, and they said we find god within. We become god.

I was so deceived, but I wanted more. I was never satisfied until one day, I was on my way to Perth, camping. Two people came up to me and asked me where I was going. I said I was on my way to Perth and my car wasn’t going very well. The lady asked me if I would like them to pray for me. I said yes, and they did. Then the lady started praying in tongues. I’d never heard it before, and I was immediately fascinated.

So the next day I drove into Adelaide, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I found my way to a church and the pastor spoke to me about Jesus. He talked about sin. I hadn’t thought about sin for a long time.

After a while, I just knew. I was a sinner and I needed saving. I got the revelation straight away. Jesus died for me, and all my sins were forgiven. I prayed the sinner’s prayer, and I prayed to receive the Holy Spirit. It was amazing!

I was 57 years old, and God made me all new. I started reading the Gospels and the truth inserted in my mind, little by little. It seemed incredible that an almighty God who had a trillion things to attend to, stars and planets, and billions of souls to care about … that he would pay attention to one sorry, sinful soul like me … but he did.

Psalm 18:19 became my life’s verse: “He delivered me because he delighted in me.” After that, I spent 23 years in the Middle East, as part of a prayer ministry …”

Angelina’s story is part of Eternity’s Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed. Click here for more Faith Stories.

Bible verse Psalm 18:9

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