‘It seemed like a cheap holiday’

Graham’s story | A child’s faith can impact the whole family

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Graham’s story | A child’s faith can impact the whole family

 “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Heb 12:1-2)

“When I was 12 years old, I walked down the street in New Zealand, looked at the mountains, and decided there must be a God. But there was nothing after that – no faith, no Jesus, no Christianity in my life.

At 34, I was married, with two daughters, aged 12 and 10. We were living in Cooma. A Christian girl befriended our eldest daughter and invited her to a Christian camp. Afterwards, our daughter came home and said she was a Christian. I said, “Wacky doo… it’s no big deal. Unpack your bags. We’ll still love you anyway.”

After that, the local church contacted us to see if they could pick up both our daughters and take them to church and Sunday school, in a bus. We said they could. I started to think about it. These people were spending more time with our kids than I was. Then, they asked my wife and I to go on a church family camp with them. We didn’t particularly want to go, but it seemed like a cheap holiday. We said yes, though we weren’t sure why. When we got there, there were Bibles at the end of the beds. We had no idea what they were for.

I was affected by two things at the camp. Firstly, the people were so caring. Secondly, I saw a book called, ‘I gave up religion and became a Christian.’ I didn’t read it, but the title got me thinking. Then, I listened to the preaching. It was Easter Sunday, and it was amazing. It was like he was preaching right at me… and I suddenly felt incomplete. That night, I went to bed, and I prayed, “Jesus, if you are real, I think I need you.”

Prior to that, I didn’t think I needed anything. My life was going well. But that night, I knew I needed Jesus. There was a need I hadn’t even known about. As I prayed, I also asked God to make my wife warm. It was a bit like a fleece, to see if God was real. She was always very cold at night, especially in her feet.

The next morning, I asked my wife how she slept. She said, “It was amazing! As I lay there, a warmth came through my feet and right through my body. I’ve never felt anything like it.”.

I didn’t tell her, or anyone, what I prayed. At the same time, I knew I felt different. I couldn’t explain it. After the camp, I went back to work, and my colleague said, “How did the Bible bashing go?” I said, “Actually, it was very good… and I’ve changed.”

Eight weeks later, my wife also became a Christian, and then our other daughter. I was 35 by then and we’d been married for 15 years. The thing that changed immediately was in our marriage. We suddenly realised, as Christians, that we needed to confess to each other. We had been living separate lives and we needed to forgive each other for things we’d done in secret. We needed 12 months of marriage counselling, but God got us through it. I don’t think our marriage would have lasted if we hadn’t become Christians.

From then on, I’ve wanted young people to know Christ. I’m passionate about it! I know that when kids come to faith in Jesus, they impact the whole family. Within a few weeks, I started teaching Scripture in schools. I just wanted to serve. I was learning Bible truth as I went! I’ve kept teaching Scripture, everywhere I’ve gone, for 40 years now. I’m 75 and I’m still doing it! I’ve been involved in kids’ clubs, youth group, chaplaincy at public schools… Even now, we’ve just started a combined churches kids club in Narromine. It’s exciting because we haven’t had one here for years. I always tell the kids, no matter what, you must keep an open mind to Christianity. You must check it out for yourself – is God real?

The Bible verse I always cling to is Hebrews 12:1-2, “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

It’s all about perseverance. God gives us the strength to keep going, as we look to Jesus!”

Graham’s story is part of the Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed.

Visit Koorong to purchase Naomi’s Faith Stories book, Every Moment, Everywherehttps://koorong.com/everymoment

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