‘My mum was healed. It was a miracle in my life!’

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“My mum and dad were Hindus when they married. But my grandmother was a Christian. She prayed and fasted all the time, like anything. She was a prayer warrior. Sometimes, she prayed overnight. Seven years after my mum and dad were married, I was conceived. When I was born, my mum and dad dedicated me at the Hindu temple, doing all the rituals and offerings to the idol. But before I was born, my grandmother dedicated me to the Lord. That was the battle.

Not long after I was born, my grandmother put a cross on our front door. My mum got very angry with her and she threw the cross outside. But that night, my mum’s right hand became swollen and painful. She couldn’t sleep with the pain. She hadn’t done anything to her hand and she wanted to know what was wrong with it. Then she realised, ‘Oh! I threw the cross out with that hand.’

My mum went to see my grandmother and her Christian friends. They prayed for her and when they prayed, my mum’s hand got better. She felt relief! She began to believe in Jesus in a small way, but not fully. She was still doing idol worship.

When I was a baby, I was often sick with the shivers. My mum and dad took me to the doctor and the hospital and the Hindu temple. They put a tikka on my forehead. But I didn’t get better. Then they took me from India to Nepal, to visit my mum’s family. Suddenly, I got a very high fever. My dad wanted to take me back to India, but my mum wanted to stay in Nepal. That night, my mum was holding me. She was fearful and suffering. She prayed to Jesus, ‘If my son gets healing, I will follow you as my Lord and Saviour.’

In that moment, I was fully healed. My mum was shocked. She believed in Jesus from that time. I never got the sickness again. Nowadays, my mum is a prayer warrior, like my grandmother. But at first, my dad didn’t believe in Jesus. He denied everything. Then, a visiting preacher came to our door. He shared with my dad about Jesus dying on the cross for us. Something changed inside my dad’s heart. He rushed to be baptised! Afterwards, he read the Bible like anything.

I grew up with my parents believing in Jesus. But I also had questions. Who created God? How did sin begin? Are all religions the same? I was the worship leader at my church, but I still had these questions inside me. Then, my mum became very sick. I was 15, and I was at home with her and my younger sister. Her body was already cold. I thought she was dying. I cried and I took out my guitar. I prayed and sang. I sang to God, asking that God would hear my prayer. It was true worship from my heart. The presence of God was very strong. When the song finished, I saw that my mum was healed. It was a miracle in my life. From that moment, I believed in Christ fully. My faith has been growing since then. I have been reading the word of God all the time and my questions have been answered.

After school, I studied a Bachelor of Arts, in Nepali language. My family are an average family and we only have money for food and accommodation. My dad kept saying, ‘Please get a job to help care for us.’ So I prayed to God, “Please provide me with a job where I can glorify you.’

I went for an interview. I got the job! It is with an organisation where many believers are working. I am very happy! From that day on, I have been reading the Bible all the time. God has provided for me and my family. I still worship the Lord in song, and my sister is also a singer, giving glory to God. It’s true, as it says in Matthew 6. ‘But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.’ (v 33).”

Rajat’s story is part of Eternity’s Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed. Click here for more Faith Stories.

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