The Message of Life at Christmas: Mongolia’s Gospel Movement 

How did the Gospel Reach Thousands in Mongolia at Christmas time? 

Mongolia, once a closed nation spiritually and politically, has undergone a profound transformation since the fall of communism in 1990. The gospel has spread rapidly over the past 30 years, changing the lives of the young people who became the first generation of new Christians in that nation. Today, Christians make up around 2% of the country’s 3 million citizens, highlighting a significant opportunity for outreach. 

In Christmas 2024, 250 Christian churches from across the capital, Ulaanbaatar, united for a citywide evangelistic movement, brought about through Bible Society Australia’s Jesus. All About Life (JAAL) campaign, run together with the Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames (HGHF) Gospel Drama presentation. The JAAL campaign was coordinated by BSA’s partners, the Agriculture Innovations Development (AID) in collaboration with the Mongolian Evangelical Association and Ulaanbaatar city pastors. The introduction of these initiatives is bringing renewed hope to the churches of Ulaanbaatar and thousands of people are hearing the gospel, many for the first time. 

Reaching Mongolia with the Gospel 

The JAAL campaign launched on November 1, 2024, coinciding with the distribution of 17,000 HGHF drama invitations to churches and individuals with the belief that “One HGHF drama invitation will bring one new person to our church.” A total of 146 churches, 101 cell groups, and 31 Christian organisations participated in distributing the invitations, using multiple evangelism strategies. These included citywide posters featuring John 3:16, social media outreach to over 250,000 people and Christian radio programs to an estimated 2 million listeners. 

A Powerful Encounter with Christ 

The focal point of the JAAL campaign was the HGHF Gospel Drama, performed at UB Palace on the 30th November and 1st December 2024, where thousands of people encountered the message of Jesus. Pastor Batbaatar* shared that his brother was bedridden with cancer and had never accepted Christ. “I hoped to see him experience this drama. Today, he surprised me by getting out of bed and coming here. I am now waiting for him to accept Christ.” Not long after attending the HGHF Gospel drama, Pastor Batbaatar saw his brother praying with another pastor, which was an encouraging sign of the softening of his brother’s heart.   

These events saw 7,879 people attend, of which 4,776 responded to the gospel. In addition, over 8,000 Bible resources were distributed over these two days. Pastor Nergui* shared his belief, “that out of the 100 people who received an invitation from our church, 63 have accepted Christ. This is likely because our church members invited people they know well.” About 50 of those 100 people visited Pastor Nergui’s church the week after the event and were warmly welcomed. He reflects that “this has transformed November and December into an intensive evangelism season for us!” 

Following the success of the events at the end of 2024, participating churches are now focused on discipling new believers. Follow-up programs and church gatherings ensure that the thousands who responded to Christ are encouraged to continue growing in their faith. 

Prayer for Mongolia 
  • Pray that new believers will be discipled effectively. 
  • Pray for protection from persecution. 

*names changed to protect privacy .

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