‘We broke into every shop in Oberon… and then the police rounded us up’

Allan’s story | Finding refuge and faith in the back of a church

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Allan’s story | Finding refuge and faith in the back of a church

“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain.” (1 Cor 15:10) ESV

“I was born in Oberon. My dad was a Maori, and he took us to church. But church didn’t mean anything to me back then. It went in one ear and out the other. When I was five and a half, Dad died of tetanus. He’d just finished building our house and he got a nail in his knee. In those days, the government welfare used to come and take the kids away from the widows… but mum managed to keep us all together. And the town of Oberon was great – they all protected us. That’s why I love this neighbourhood.

Not long after that, I became really good at breaking locks. It was a skill that came naturally to me. I’d go around with a few mates, and we’d break into shops. We never left a trace. We just took lollies and stuff. I think we broke into every shop in Oberon, and nobody knew it was us. I used a crochet hook and a darning needle… and we never got caught. But after a while, another person joined our group, and he was a whistle blower. He told the police. The next day, the police rounded us all up and I was in deep trouble. Back then, if you got caught, you got sent off to reform school. I really didn’t want to go there!

The morning of the day I had to go to court, I remember I snuck into the back of the church by myself. It was a weekday, but the church was open. I didn’t have to pick the lock! I went inside. It took a bit of courage. The church was empty. I was 12 years old by then. I sat right up the back by myself, and I prayed… mostly that I wouldn’t be sent to reform school. But as I was praying, I just knew Jesus was with me. It was so real. I became a Christian on the spot. I trusted in Jesus. Everything was different from that day on! I went to court later that day, but I didn’t get sent to reform school.

It’s all about God’s grace. Theres a saying that goes, ‘Many times I’ve been forced on my knees before God by the overwhelming conviction there was nowhere else to turn.’ My wife and I have had a lot of drama in life… like most people. I met Robyn at the shop in O’Connell. We got married and we lived in Tamworth, then Narrabri, then Sydney, then Cowra, and now, back here in Oberon. Every town we’ve lived in, we’ve always been part of the local church.

A few years ago, one of our sons died suddenly from an aneurysm. The night before, he was singing karaoke and the next day, he was in hospital. He didn’t make it. Then our grandson took his life. He was only 30. It’s been very hard. It’s only the grace of God and the love of

Jesus that gets us through. Without that, we’ve got nothing. The most horrendous things can happen in life and yet God can still give you peace in that. That’s my life in a nutshell. We wouldn’t be here without Jesus.”

Allan’s story is part of the Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed.

Visit Koorong to purchase Naomi’s Faith Stories book, Every Moment, Everywherehttps://koorong.com/everymoment





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