We equip and inspire people on their personal journey with Jesus by offering the largest range of Bible and Christian resources in the world with locations in shopping malls, churches, online or wherever needed.
Open the Bible...
We are the Bible Society Family.
We encompass the Bible Society, engaging, translating, advocating and distributing the Bible here in Australia and overseas; Centre for Public Christianity (CPX), advocating in the public square for the gospel; Eternity, bringing the good news of Christianity to all who seek it; Koorong, equipping churches and individuals with Christian resources; and Acorn Press, publishing Australian Christian voices. Together we Open The Bible to all people by all means possible.
We set the tone for the national conversation around Christianity via CPX making the truth, beauty and goodness of the Christian message clear to a contemporary, secular audience.
The leading Christian journalistic voice in Australia, speaking with credibility and authority about the issues that affect people in their everyday lives.
We are the harbingers of truth and faith in Australia through our leadership in publishing Bibles and books that speak about the Bible.
To Australia
For those of us who have heard the word of God in our first language have been blessed. But there are currently 1.5 billion people worldwide who don’t have access to a Bible in theirs. 400 Bible translations are underway right now, and need support for the work to continue.
To the World
Join a faithful group of monthly givers on a mission to share the Bible with the world.
The Lighthouse is a community of generous believers who are committed to letting the light of God’s word shine - Lightkeepers who know the Bible has the potential to transform the lives of people across the world.