Faith Stories with Naomi Reed

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‘My ex-husband asked me to marry him again. And I said …’

22 June 2021

“I met my husband, Mark, in a pub, in 1977. We got on straight away. I liked his sense of humour and we married six months later. We lived in an orange, single-decker bus for the first two years. We had great plans for traveling in it, but most of the time we actually parked […]

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‘Three days after Peter’s accident, I went into labour. He was still unconscious’

17 June 2021

“My husband, Peter, and I and our four children lived in Mussoorie, North India, in the 1950s and 60s. He was the principal at the boarding school there. In July, 1963, I was about to give birth to our fourth child, when everything changed. Peter had gone up to the school to take the staff […]

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‘We heard God is the answer to our marriage problems. And we believed’

15 June 2021

“I met Memo when I was 18. He was 27. He had a Mexican background and we met through a Mexican dance performance group. We hit it off straight away. We got married and we had four children. But it was when our first child was small, and I was struggling with my marriage, that […]

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‘God, I know you’re there … Please let the rot stop here’

10 June 2021

“I grew up in [the Sydney suburb] Willoughby. My dad was a sparkie. My extended family was a network of disasters. It was a time when every kid went to Sunday school and my mother made sure I did. Our local Anglican church was a hub of evangelical ministry at the time, so, by the […]

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‘My plan was to hang out with friends and ignore all the Jesus stuff’

08 June 2021

“Throughout my high school years, my aim in life was to make people like me. I wanted to do well at school, have good friends, and go to the right parties. By year 12, I was doing pretty well at all that. My teachers liked me, I had good friends and my parents were pleased […]

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‘Why did nobody come and visit him and weep?’

03 June 2021

“I came to Central Asia in the winter of 2003. It was very cold. My plan was to study Russian and teach obstetrics to the post-graduate nurses. Within the first week of my arrival, though, I looked out of my apartment window and I saw three homeless people picking food out of the dustbins, with […]

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‘Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God. That’s what I’ve tried to do’

01 June 2021

“I gave my life to Jesus in Sunday School. Since then, I’ve always liked to sing and I’ve often been in a choir. I tend to remember Scripture that I sing. Many years ago, we sang Micah 6:8 – ‘He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of […]

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‘I went back to our house, but there was a massive crowd inside, with guns and knives’

27 May 2021

“My wife and I grew up in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. We married in 1966 and we moved to Colombo, for work. We slowly got involved in the Methodist Church. I became a local preacher for the Tamil congregation and we attended weekly prayer meetings.” “Then, on July 25, 1983, the children went to school and […]

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‘For the first time, I met people who were honest about their lives’

25 May 2021

“When I was about six or seven, I told my family I wanted to be a hairdresser. They said to me, ‘No … you can do better than that.’ Ever since then, I’ve had this feeling that I needed to do bigger things, or better things. I needed to achieve more. So in high school, […]

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‘The Tugutil had many taboos, but the strongest was against any contact with the “church”‘

21 May 2021

“In 1980, my wife Betty and I, along with our three-year-old twin daughters, moved to Indonesia. After studying Indonesian, we moved to the jungles of North Maluku. We did this in the hope of reaching an unreached, semi-nomadic, 100% illiterate, mono-lingual group of hunters and gatherers know as the Tugutil.  They had a fearsome reputation […]

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‘I knew it was an impossible prayer, but I prayed it anyway’

18 May 2021

The following article may be disturbing or triggering for some readers. It details traumatic acts of violence. “I grew up in Kalimpong, North India. My dad was a Hindu. My mum was a Buddhist. They were both very much against Christianity and I never heard about God. They quarreled a lot and there was violence […]

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‘I’m here to hear about Jesus!’

06 May 2021

“By the time I was 21, I’d finished my degree and got a really good job. My career was all mapped out. I had a nice boyfriend and a loving family. It all looked perfect. What more could I want?” “Then slowly, things started to unravel. Looking back, I’m sure it was God working in […]

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‘I know what it is to be an outsider and that helps me connect with others’

04 May 2021

“My parents were married for ten years before I was born, and they worked in 18 different countries. I was conceived in Pakistan and born in Kenya. They were highly mobile, working with Global Recordings Network. The aim of GRN is to get the good news of Jesus to people in their heart language, and […]

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‘I felt so much shame that there was no wedding ring on my hand’

29 April 2021

“I would have said that I had a deep relationship with God before 2015. But I’ve learned that there are levels of surrender. Early in 2015, I was sitting at my desk and my husband walked in. He said that he was done with the marriage. It was over. He was leaving. I remember telling […]

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‘I made my first million by 21. I thought money could fix things’

27 April 2021

“I grew up in a small, farming community in the United States. I spent my summer vacations working in the soybean fields, and I learned the value of money.” “By the time I was 16, I was selling cars, and by the time I was 21, I’d made my first million. For all my life, […]

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‘We love cooking so we started making meals for our community’

22 April 2021

“In my twenties, my husband and I moved to Deniliquin to be near his parents. We had two young children. I was reading a lot of New Age material and I had a lot of life questions. Such as what are we here for?” “Sometime later, I was talking to my mother-in-law about all these […]

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