Faith Stories with Naomi Reed

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Celebrating hundreds of stories of faith

05 April 2023

This week, I put down my pen after writing the 250th faith story for Eternity News! It’s been an amazing, humbling journey so far. I started in September, 2019. I thought it would be a wonderful idea to capture hundreds of testimonies – a huge variety of stories of people coming to faith in Jesus, […]

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‘I’d been sleeping on cold concrete in the park’

03 April 2023

“Six years ago, I lost my wife and family to drugs. I ended up a full-blown junkie, sleeping in a park in Redbank (Brisbane), homeless. I started using drugs at eight years old. It continued through my teenage years and early adulthood. I stopped using needles for a while in my 20s, but I continued […]

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‘My grief helped me to see that God was close and real’

27 March 2023

“I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a faith in Jesus. My parents were both Christians. They were ordinary people – a farmer and his wife. But they had a genuine faith in Jesus, which meant I was taught well from the Bible from early on. I had a good grasp of the […]

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‘I said, “Lord, I have nothing to give”‘

20 March 2023

“I was born in Bundaberg, Queensland, 91 years ago. My father was a minister of religion, and we moved every three or four years. But my parents had a great capacity to love, and we were nurtured in prayer and the word of God. We were always talking to our heavenly Father, who was a […]

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‘God will make his love and Gospel shine, in the right time’

13 March 2023

“I became a Christian when I was at university in Mexico. At the time, I was studying mechatronic engineering, and I was living with my older brother in a shared house in Ciudad del Carmen. It was a good time. We were partying, hanging out with friends, like uni students do. Then, my brother actually […]

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‘We’ve been working in Bible translation and literacy for 60 years’

06 March 2023

“A month after I was born, my mother died of pneumonia. Being the youngest of six, my father found it somewhat challenging to care for the younger ones, particularly the baby. Some weeks later, a neighbour offered to care for me temporarily, and then offered to care for me permanently. I became the youngest of […]

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‘I read the Bible for five seconds and thought it was bunkum’

27 February 2023

“I’ve always been a science-based person. I’m wired that way. My whole career has been based on logic and analysis – how things are created and built. It started in high school and then continued at university – I got degrees that covered engineering, human physiology, physics, and chemistry. After uni, my girlfriend and I […]

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‘The children need to know God loves them’

20 February 2023

“I was born and raised in Broken Hill. I went to church there and all that. But it became real for me in 1949, when I was 15. Back then Broken Hill used to have a Christian mission once a year – an open-air meeting on the street near the shops. An evangelist came from […]

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‘There was a beautiful welcome from God’

15 February 2023

“I grew up in a progressive church where I heard a lot of morals. The other kids were good kids and I felt that compared to them I never lived up. I had undiagnosed ADHD and I couldn’t sit still – I was the outsider and the misfit. Back then, I used to get into […]

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‘It felt like someone gave me prescription glasses’

06 February 2023

“I moved from Hobart to Sydney in my early 20’s to work in publishing. It was my first real job, as an editor in a legal publishing firm and I loved it. I’d always wanted to work with books and ideas, so it felt like a step in the right direction. I was getting trained […]

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‘I blamed God for taking my dad’

30 January 2023

“I didn’t grow up in a Christian household and we didn’t go to church. My dad’s side were quite religious, but my mum’s side were atheists. When I was 25 my father passed away quite suddenly. He was only 60 years old. I loved my father. He and I got on like a house on […]

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‘How could the Buddhist priest have forgotten all the mantras?’

22 January 2023

“I was born into a Hindu family in Nepal. My parents used to go to the temple, but I didn’t. I didn’t like the look of the Hindu gods. I had no interest in them. When I was 13, I was married. My parents arranged my marriage, according to Hindu culture. My husband was 17. […]

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‘Being a high achiever was not only a curse to myself; it was a curse to my friends as well!’

15 January 2023

“I’m a firstborn Asian son. I was always a high achiever! In primary school, I was the annoying kid who asked the teacher for more work. In high school, I would get 99 per cent in an exam, and fixate on the one mark that was missing. While my friends were busy partying, I was […]

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‘God loves us. That’s why Jesus came!’

20 December 2022

Warning: This article contains brief reference to domestic violence. “I grew up on a dairy farm in Gympie. My mother often told me I was ugly and unlovable. She had six children, and one of them (my younger brother) was from an extra-marital affair. Whenever he did anything wrong, I would be blamed and my […]

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‘I didn’t believe in God!’

11 December 2022

“In my 30’s, I had a plan for my life. There was no way God figured in it. I was reading a fair bit of personal development literature out of the US. For example, The Power of Positive Thinking. I liked the book, but as soon as the author mentioned God, I put it down. […]

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‘We can’t fix it ourselves, but God can’

05 December 2022

“When I was 11, our mother died. It was sudden and unexpected. I’m the eldest of four, with a significantly disabled younger sister and two younger brothers. Afterwards, I carried a lot of hurt. As a people-pleaser, I wanted to fix things for our family in any way I could. Dad was raising us on […]

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