Faith Stories with Naomi Reed

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‘I was determined to prove to myself, and everyone else, that I was the real deal’

16 March 2022

“At 19, I met the loveliest girl I’d ever laid eyes on. With National Service looming, we decided to marry the following year. Then after our honeymoon, I was off to serve my country. But months of training as a machine gunner came to naught, as a combat training incident saw me reclassified with serious […]

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‘We moved every six months. It was a life of uncertainty’

09 March 2022

“I’m one of nine children. We didn’t have many belongings, growing up, and we moved around a lot. My dad would come home and say, “That’s it, we’re moving.” And we’d all pile into the car, on each other’s laps, and we’d drive somewhere until dad could find us a place to live – usually […]

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‘We can always call out to Jesus’

08 March 2022

“My father died of the bubonic plague when I was three years old, and my mother raised all four of us through the Great Depression. Those were difficult times. We were given food coupons and we used them in lieu of money. In those days, flour would come in big cotton sacks, and when the […]

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‘We didn’t want to waste time feeling sorry for ourselves’

24 November 2021

“Six years ago, my husband and I started trying for a baby. Neither of us thought there’d be an issue. We tried for a year before going to see the GP who sent us to a specialist. He suggested IVF. At the time it didn’t feel right, so we put it off. God shifted our […]

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‘It was almost dark … and we were up the wrong Himalayan valley’

24 November 2021

“I’ve always loved the passage in Acts 8. There was Philip, on an ordinary day after the resurrection. An angel appeared to him and told him to go south, on the desert road to Gaza. Philip went, and along the way he met an Ethiopian, who just happened to be sitting in his chariot, reading […]

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‘It was a holy discontent. Our supermarkets are full of food!’

15 November 2021

“I’m a dietitian. I started off as a researcher but I was always interested in food and nutrition, so I completed a Masters in dietetics. As I studied, I often wondered how I could use my skills, passion and experience in low resource countries and improve the health of a nation. After finishing my Masters, […]

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‘In prison, we can’t go down the street and find a new church. There isn’t one!’

15 November 2021

“I’ve been in prison in central Queensland for the last 19 years. I became a born-again Christian at the very beginning of my time here. Perhaps you associate prisons with things that increase your heart rate. There’s a lot of unpleasantness in prison, but I want to tell you about a light and a person […]

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‘I thought, hang on a minute, we haven’t even got to Jesus yet!’

08 November 2021

“I moved to West Africa in 1987, to work in community health. Seventeen years later, I was still there, in a different town, and we were starting a new ministry in HIV/AIDS prevention. It was rampant at the time. Almost ten per cent of the population was infected and the death rate was significant. I’d […]

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‘I checked my pocket. I had my wallet and keys’

08 November 2021

“I grew up in Uganda, in a wealthy and strictly Islamic family. My father worked in politics and my extended family were all financial beneficiaries of Idi Amin. We went to the mosque every Friday, and we prayed five times a day. We observed Ramadan each year, and we read the Quran. At school, our […]

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‘God simply overwhelmed me – a sudden sense that he was absolutely present and personal’

04 November 2021

“As a young person, I was heavily into sport and fishing, especially trout. I always loved the natural world – the intricacy of insects, flowers, underwater life. I’d been fascinated since I was very young and loved my back creek. As a child, I went with my parents to church, but stopped in my teens. […]

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‘He was speaking his love into me’

01 November 2021

“I have awesome parents. They were radically saved by Jesus when they were in their mid-20s, and they were on fire for God! A few years later, they both left their big jobs, to serve God at a Christian campsite in Sydney. I was seven at the time, and they ended up staying there for […]

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‘They can lock away your bicycles and they can burn your Bibles, but they can never stop you praying …’

26 October 2021

“My father was born in China. When he was small, he was carried by his father to the South of China and sold. It was because of the famine. My mother was also sold as a child in Malaysia, and she became a street child. Later, they met and married and had ten children. I […]

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‘I didn’t know I’d end up losing my sight…’

26 October 2021

“When I was about 12, a friend gave me a poem about riding a tandem bicycle. It was an allegory of life. What does it mean to have faith in God? Who is actually on the front seat, in control of the bike, steering? When I first read the poem, I didn’t know that eight […]

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‘Why has God given myeloma to me now?’

19 October 2021

“I was diagnosed with blood cancer (myeloma) in October last year. It was picked up in a routine blood test. I didn’t have symptoms then, and I don’t have symptoms now. But with myeloma, you don’t start treating the cancer (with chemo) until the symptoms begin, because treatment is only effective for a short while […]

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‘I was pregnant … and I suddenly wanted what they had’

19 October 2021

“I grew up in a Catholic family. I prayed as a child, but there was no relationship with Jesus. And I had questions. For example, why did God make Adam and Eve, knowing that they were going to sin? One day, we had a new priest at our school. He gave a talk and then […]

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‘I could barely speak or think anymore’

14 October 2021

“In 2006, I was with a guy who was a drug dealer. We were on his farm, just outside of Coffs Harbour. The relationship was over but he kept supplying me with drugs. I felt like he was trying to kill me. I’d been using drugs since I was a young person. At 18, I’d […]

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