Faith Stories with Naomi Reed

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‘It doesn’t matter who gave me birth. I am God’s child.’

17 August 2021

“When I was 31, I found out that I was adopted. My birth mother had 12 children and I was her ninth. She kept all the others, but she gave me away to her younger sister. My aunt (who became my adoptive mother) had no children, so I became their only child. But I always […]

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‘But we’re going to Kazakhstan!’

12 August 2021

“I was an academic at the University of Sydney, researching plant pathology in barley and wheat. During that time we discovered that the disease-resistant wheats we were breeding were actually useful to study pathogen variation around the world. So my wife (Sue) and I started travelling. I was fortunate to attract some international project money […]

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‘I asked God to convince me in three weeks. Patience was never my virtue!’

10 August 2021

“I grew up in a devout Maltese Australian Roman Catholic home, which meant we went to mass three times a week. To be Maltese was to be Catholic. No matter how tired my parents were at the end of the week, we always went to mass. I have lots of fond memories of my upbringing. […]

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‘I’m 68 and caring for our teenage grandchild. Lockdown is hard!’

06 August 2021

“I feel like I’ve been ‘persevering’ in my faith since 1982. That was when our four-year-old daughter was diagnosed with significant life issues. We moved to the city to get help for her. We received help, but it was often hard. Years later, another one of our children became involved with drugs, and had life-controlling […]

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‘I’d never seen power like that before!’

03 August 2021

“I was born in Singapore in 1975. My mother was a staunch Buddhist-Taoist. We had an altar in the living room and I’d walk past it and burn incense there. I respected the deity and I believed in the spirit world. It was part of our family tradition. “In Singapore, there’s a feeling of uncertainty […]

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‘Perhaps I was slow to pick up on things’

29 July 2021

“My father became a Christian five days before he died. He was in hospital and was visited by the Padre. I was six years old at the time and that’s when it began for our family. We became part of a church and we were well cared for by the people. They all became lifelong […]

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‘In Australia, there’s spiritual need. People usually have everything they need, but no rest’

27 July 2021

“I grew up in a village in Kenya. When I was seven years old, I had an encounter with God. I was in a room by myself, singing a song that I’d learned at Sunday school. Suddenly the room was filled with the awesome presence of God. I started crying. It was so peaceful.” “I […]

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‘My wife and I vowed to give away our businesses …’

22 July 2021

“My wife, Charlene, and I moved to Sydney in 1992. We didn’t know anyone, so we both joined local community groups to meet people. Charlene took our daughter to a dance group, and I joined the local cricket club. Weirdly, we both met people who were part of the same small church plant, with only […]

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‘I put stickers on my car and on my cricket bat, saying Jesus is Lord’

20 July 2021

“To be honest, I’m pretty simple. I left school at 16 and I got an apprenticeship as an electrician with Prospect County Council [part of the Electricity Commission of NSW]. My dad was working there and I thought it’d work for me. It was a plan. I threw myself into it. There were 30 other […]

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‘The thing that helped me most was going to church’

15 July 2021

“My big conversion was in Tanzania. Before that, I knew all the facts. I’d gone to a Billy Graham crusade in 1961. I went to Tanzania in 1974 as a missionary with CMS, and that’s where I understood grace for the first time. I worked as a secretary for two different bishops. But just before […]

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‘I had to give up my job in social work which I loved’

13 July 2021

“I’ve always liked this verse: ‘Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.’ (Philippians 4:8)” “As a social worker, I’ve been trained in ‘strength-based’ theories. It’s not that different. […]

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‘I love that our doors are always open. We try to love people and not judge them’

08 July 2021

“My dad was a Presbyterian minister from Scotland. He and Eric Liddell were in the same Bible classes. They were friends. Dad and a few others came out to Australia in 1930 to help the Presbyterian Church in Queensland. He had a very simple faith, but it had a profound impact on me.” “He met […]

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‘If you’re sharing Jesus and it doesn’t feel like you’re getting anywhere, don’t give up’

06 July 2021

“I grew up in a housing commission place in western Sydney. It was pretty rough. My dad worked night shift, so we didn’t see him very much, but we were all close to my mother.” “After school, I started a degree in literature, which I enjoyed very much. But at the beginning of my second […]

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‘We had so many plans for our new house and retirement. This wasn’t what we expected’

01 July 2021

“My husband, Max, and I moved out of our family home in February, 2018. We’d lived there for 45 years and raised our four children there. It was time to downsize. We were in our late sixties and we wanted somewhere smaller, to spend our retirement. We found a place in Springwood [Blue Mountains, New […]

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‘I married Andrew and 35 hours later, he was executed by firing squad’

29 June 2021

“I was born into a Christian family, in Kupang, Indonesia. Every Tuesday afternoon, my parents would hold a prayer meeting in our house, and a great crowd would come, all of them praying and worshipping God together. It would go on for hours. It was an amazing influence.” “From when I was very young, I […]

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‘I asked my ex-wife to marry me. And she said …’

24 June 2021

“When I was younger, I went to church once, for a wedding, and that was about it. I never went again. In 1977, I met and married Judy, and in 1979 we bought a house together. In 1981 our son, Stephen, was born. But the marriage didn’t last. We weren’t connecting. I was working shift […]

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