Grandparents Conference

Christians in Oceania are desperate for more Bibles in churches, homes, remote areas and its translation in many heart languages. Will you help bridge the resource gap for mission workers and translators dedicated to meet the region's need for God's word?

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Leaving a Legacy through God's Word

Annie Selman knows that it is not the size of the bequest, but the reason for giving, that is her motivation.

"When I think about all the people who cannot access Scripture, I love that my widow’s mite can help."

Annie remembers supporting Bible Society as a three-year-old, putting pennies into the bucket at Sunday School!

Annie’s gift has particular meaning, as it stems from a shared love, as she explains: "My late husband, Rex, and I were always united in our love for Bible Society. The gift in my Will is not just my legacy – it is his also."

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