Tuesday, 12 August 2025
15 Salisbury Rd, Castle Hill
Unable to attend in person?
Dan Paterson Founder of Questioning Christianity Jesus Foretold: How does all of Scripture point to Jesus?
Out of the two dozen (or so) arguments in the case for Christianity, the Bible endorses fulfilled prophecy as carrying serious weight. So how does Scripture point to Jesus, and what would it have been like for the disciples on the Emmaus Road to have Jesus open their minds to understand the Scriptures?
Dan Paterson is the founder of Questioning Christianity, a ministry helping you connect the Christian story to life’s deepest questions. He has experience as a pastor, lecturer, and public speaker, having studied Theology and Apologetics in Australia and at Oxford. Dan currently lives in Brisbane with his wife, Erin, and their favourite job is raising three wonderful boys.
Max Jeganathan Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) The Freedom Trap
Our freedom-charged lives offer more choice, better technology and seemingly limitless possibilities. And yet, happiness and well-being remain illusive. What if modern freedom is a trap? And if it is, what can we do to free ourselves from it? This session will explore these questions through the lens of the Christian message and offer some lifehacks for how we can reimagine and reclaim true freedom in everyday life.
Max is a speaker and writer for the Centre for Public Christianity (CPX). A former lawyer and political & policy adviser, Max was educated at the Australian National University and the University of Oxford and is undertaking a PhD in Law. He has spoken in businesses, universities and political institutions, including Samsung, Lego, Goldman Sachs and Amazon. He loves good movies, good wine and making his kids laugh.
Natasha Moore Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) Agree to Disagree?
Our world is full of disagreement - and all too often, rejecting someone’s opinion means rejecting the person too. Is it possible, in an age of outrage, to disagree with someone and love them at the same time? How can we hold our own convictions with humility, and respond well to those who find our beliefs challenging?
Natasha is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Public Christianity. She has a PhD in English Literature from the University of Cambridge. Natasha is an avid reader and award-winning author She is the author of For the Love of God: How the church is better and worse than you ever imagined (2019) and The Pleasures of Pessimism (2020), and speaks on such topics as Christian public engagement, the influence of Christianity on the world, freedom of speech and disagreeing well, education and Christian formation, and cultural pessimism.
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