Tuesday, 29 July 2025
198 Pimpama Jacobs Well Rd, Pimpama
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Simon Smart Executive Director, Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) Charged with the Grandeur of God: Creation as a gift.
What can the natural world tell us about who we are and who God is? Is the universe built on chaos or love or something else? What would it mean to think of the creation as a gift? Looking at the early chapters of Genesis we will examine the way beauty and getting out into creation can speak to our longing for transcendence, wonder and, ultimately, God.
Simon is Executive Director of the Centre for Public Christianity. He has a Master of Christian Studies from Regent College, Vancouver. Simon has years of experience writing and editing both academic curricula and popular books. A History/English teacher for many years, Simon has a particular interest in Christian public engagement, the impact of Christianity on the world, “God-haunted” literature, education for human flourishing, and the “stories that we live by.”
Justine Toh Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) You’re Human. Embrace the Awkward.
What can the natural world tell us about who we are and who God is? Is the universe built on chaos or love or something else? What would it mean to think of the creation as a gift? Looking at the early chapters of Genesis we will examine the way beauty and getting out into creation can speak to our longing for transcendence, wonder, and, ultimately, God.
Justine Toh is Senior Fellow at the Centre for Public Christianity where she speaks and writes about the Christian faith in publications like The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Guardian, ABC Religion & Ethics, and The Canberra Times. She is also the author of the book Achievement Addiction, is presently writing a book about care, and has a PhD in Cultural Studies from Macquarie University in Sydney. Justine fumbles about in public via Instagram and appearances on ABC Radio and, yes, is a recovering achievement addict.
Mark Stephens Lecturer in New Testament, Sydney Missionary & Bible College (SMBC) Going Public with Jesus: Living faithfully when you can’t control the result
When you live for Christ you are light in a dark world. Some will be attracted. Others might ghost you. Some may even attack you. You can’t guarantee how people will react. 1 Peter encourages us that Christians have been here before. Our job is to speak love, suffer with grace, and act in holiness. Living for Jesus is always worth it, even when you can't control the result.
Mark lectures in New Testament at Sydney Missionary and Bible College. He's been a pastor, an author, and a public speaker, but always with the same goal - to help people think about Jesus and live for Jesus. He's married to Linda, who is a children's pastor, and has three amazing teenage kids, all of whom are now smarter and stronger than him. He supports the Parramatta Eels, and contrary to all the evidence, still believes they can win the premiership this year.

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