About Us

Established in Sydney in 1817

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Bible Society Australia exists to impact and influence the world by Opening The Bible to all people everywhere through all means possible.


We translate the Bible into the world's languages

We support the ongoing task of translating the Bible into the world’s languages, including in Indigenous languages and sign language (Auslan) in Australia.

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We provide Bibles to those who want one

We provide free Bibles and other Bible products to people both overseas and in Australia, many of whom have never owned their own Bible. We give Bibles to chaplains of hospitals, schools, prisons and the defence forces.

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We help people open the Bible

We encourage people’s faith journey through Bible engagement campaigns as well as helping to fund indigenous and overseas Bible-based literacy programs.

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We promote the beauty and power of God’s word

We champion the Bible in the media, at universities and schools, as well as through our digital and publishing channels, always pointing to the relevance of Christianity today and always.

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Our Board

Mr Andrew Wiseman (Acting Chair)
Andrew has recently retired from his position as partner at Allens Lawyers, a leading international law firm. He specialised in intellectual property and technology law. Andrew attends St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Roseville, NSW.

Mr Tim Holder (Deputy Chair)
Tim is a partner at Esk Spatial and a seasoned executive with extensive experience in media, entrepreneurships and directorships in various companies, NGO and NFP boards. Tim attends the Door of Hope Church in Launceston.

Ms Melissa Rule
Melissa works for the Baptist Union of Victoria as the Head of Communications and she is a valued member of the Senior Leadership Team. Melissa attends New Hope Baptist Church in Melbourne.

Mr Grant Dusting
Grant is the Director of Strategy at McCrindle, social research and advisory firm. He and his wife Lauren are actively involved at Nations Church, Perth.

Mr Barry Morris
Barry is a chartered accountant and former CFO of Bible Society Australia; he is a former Director of TEAR Australia and is a member of St Andrew's Anglican Church Roseville, Sydney.

Mr Mark Schultz
Mark is a Minister and Team Leader in Mission Resourcing for the Uniting Church in South Australia. He attends the Glenunga Uniting Church and Encounter Church, Prospect, South Australia.

Ms Sally Manion
Sally is a chartered accountant and semi-retired from her career as a wealth management and superannuation fund executive. Sally serves as a board member of Anglican Church Growth Corporation and is a member of St Matts, Manly, NSW.